Completeness Review

Completeness Review Timeframe

Each time an application is submitted, resubmitted, or additional materials submitted, planning staff is allowed by Oregon Law up to 30 days to review the application to determine whether or not the application is “complete” or “incomplete.” Planning staff strives to be responsive and minimize the completeness review period. However, staff does not rush completeness review as it is a key step in the review process and careful and thorough completeness review lays a foundation for a smoother and quicker subsequent review process. The timeframe to get to a “complete application” can vary from a few days to months dependent primarily on the quality of the submission and the responsiveness of applicant when missing application materials are identified. The step by step completeness review process is explained further down on this page.

Importance of a Professional Design Team

Amongst the most significant steps an applicant or developer can take to minimize the time frame for land use review is to hire a skilled and well-coordinated team of design professionals with attention to detail to put together a “Complete Application”.

Pursuant to Section 4.140 of Wilsonville’s Development Code the team of professionals to help provide a complete application includes, but is not limited to:

  1. An architect licensed by the State of Oregon;
  2. A landscape architect registered by the State of Oregon;
  3. An urban planner holding full membership in the American Institute of Certified Planners, or a professional planner with prior experience representing clients before the Development Review Board, Planning Commission, or City Council; or
  4. A registered engineer or a land surveyor licensed by the State of Oregon.

One of these professionals needs to be designated the project manager and main contact for staff. The project manager will in turn coordinate the efforts of the rest of the applicant’s design team.

Completeness Review Explanation and Overview

Submission of an application involves a significant amount of information, particularly for larger project. This includes a written narrative with responses to the applicable review criteria from the Development Code, plans and drawings showing all the information required by the Development Code, and professional reports such as a traffic report, arborist report, and drainage report.

Upon submission of a new application a vital step is for planning staff to carefully go through all these materials and ensure all the materials required for the particular project has been submitted.

During this initial review to make sure all required information is submitted staff often identifies issues regarding the projects conformance with the development code. While the required information is provided related to these issues, they are identified as early as possible in the process so they can be addressed in subsequent resubmissions of application materials.

Completeness Review Process Step by Step

Step 1. Submittal: Applicant submits application via the City's Online Permitting Portal and provides the following: 

  • All land use application fees
  • Signed application form
  • Electronic copies of the following:
    • Project Narrative
    • Full size copies of plans related to land use review
    • Reports such as arborist report, stormwater drainage report, traffic report, etc.
  • Please note that only electronic copies are required at the time of application.  However, once the submitted materials are deemed complete, staff will request up to six (6) paper copies of all submitted documents.

Step 2.  Initial “Completeness Review”:

The assigned Wilsonville planner reviews the application to determine if all materials required to review the application are submitted.  It concludes with a determination of whether the submitted application package is “complete” or “incomplete.” The applicant will be notified by letter about the determination. If the determination is “incomplete” the letter includes the specific items needed to make the application “complete.” If application is “complete”, the application moves forward towards a City action on the application and the “completeness review” process is complete.

Step 3.  Indication of Intention for Incomplete Applications:

If the application is “incomplete” the applicant either indicates whether they intend to submit the items identified in the “incompleteness letter”. This is done by signing and returning a page enclosed with the “incompleteness letter.” If the applicant refuses to submit additional materials the application with proceed towards a City action, noting that failure to provide sufficient information can be grounds for denying an application.

Step 4.  Applicant Prepares Additional Request Materials and Resubmits Application:

If the application is "incomplete" and the applicant intends to address the items identified in the "incompleteness letter" the applicant prepares the identified items. Once the applicant prepares all the items they resubmit the application as identified in Step 1. Occasionally if the additional materials are minor the previous submittal package can be supplemented or pages switched out. In most cases complete new copies of the entire submittal package will be submitted.

Step 5.  City Reviews Resubmitted Package “2nd Completeness Review.”

The assigned Wilsonville planner reviews the revised application to determine if all materials required to review the application are submitted. A determination of “complete” or “incomplete” will again occur with the corresponding letter being sent to the applicant. In a majority of cases the application is deemed “complete” at this point as with the identified missing items addressed.

Step 6.  City Reviews Additional Resubmitted Package. 

Following the same process the City reviews the resubmitted package a 3rd time, etc. Though not typical, the cycle of submittal, remaining incomplete, and submittal can continue a through a number of iterations until either the application is deemed complete or the applicant states a refusal to provide additional information.