French Prairie Bridge Project Task Force Recommends Proposed Bridge Evaluation Criteria

June 20, 2017 - The French Prairie Bridge Project Task Force met on May 22 to consider evaluation criteria that are to be used to make a bridge alignment recommendation later this fall to the Wilsonville City Council.

The project Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), composed of project partners and agency officials with regulatory authority, developed draft project evaluation criteria for consideration by the task force.

After extensive discussion and consideration, the task force recommended that the project decision-making criteria be weighted as follows:

  • Connectivity and Safety – 20%
  • Emergency Access – 20%
  • Environmental Impacts – 11.5%
  • Compatibility with Recreational Goals – 20%
  • Compatibility with Existing and Built Environment – 17%
  • Cost and Economic Impact – 11.5%

Additional information about the project decision making criteria can be found in an explanatory memo in the project library.

Currently, staff and consulting project team members are finalizing technical research this summer. They also are drafting a staff-level performance-evaluation assessment on the three potential bridge locations using the task force-recommended evaluation criteria. The TAC plans to review this assessment using members’ technical expertise to advise the task force in the recommendation on a bridge alignment to City Council.

The 21-member task force is charged with making recommendations to the City Council at key milestones in the bridge planning and design process.  Members represent a wide range of local and regional stakeholder values and interests. The Task Force is comprised of representatives of area neighborhoods and businesses, walking and cycling enthusiasts, local parks and trails interests, tourism associations and emergency-services personnel.

Sign-up to receive updates on the French Prairie Bridge Project and notice of the next task force meeting, likely to be held in September.

For more information, contact Project Manager Zach Weigel, PE, for more information at 503-570-1565 or