Council Approves Purchase of SMART Trolley, Updates Parks SDC Rates

Vietnamese Community of Oregon representatives and City Councilors with the Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag

August 22, 2023  On August 21, 2023, the Wilsonville City Council approved a $600,000 contract to fund the purchase of a battery-operated 32-passenger trolley for the South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) fleet.

For decades, SMART’s trolley has been a popular, well-used amenity at special events and summer activities. A new electric trolley aligns with SMART’s alternative energy goals and replaces the current 22-year trolley, which is in poor condition. An Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Diesel Mitigation Grant is covering about 70 percent of the purchase cost.

The Council adopted a new methodology to calculate Parks System Development Charges (SDC) paid by developers. The new SDC rate of $14,000 per single family dwelling unit, to be phased in for the benefit of developers with projects in progress, is more consistent with rates in neighboring jurisdictions and provides a more adequate budget to develop meaningful parks infrastructure.

To fund the purchase and installation of new play equipment at Sofia Park in Villebois, the Council approved a $198,000 contract with Buell Recreation. New play amenities and turf surfacing support the City’s goal to provide playgrounds accessible to children of all ages and abilities.

The Council also approved a $230,000 construction contract with 3 Kings Environmental, Inc. to fund the demolition of the City-owned Kiva Building (29796 SW Town Center Loop E.), because of failing scissor trusses that support the roof and ceiling. Some preservation of the lower level foundation is required to support the existing land bridge, which provides ADA access to the adjacent Art Tech Building.

During Communications, State House Rep. Courtney Neron provided a summary of the 2023 legislative session, detailing the legislature’s work to pause tolling on I-205 and to advance polices that support affordable housing, reducing homelessness, strengthening schools, mental health advocacy, addiction treatment, improved health care and child care access, public safety and economic development. Neron noted that she is hosting a “constituent coffee,” open to the public, this Saturday at 11 am at the Wilsonville Library.

Thao Từ, President of the Vietnamese Community of Oregon, read a proclamation encouraging the City’s recognition of the Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag as the official symbol of Oregon’s 37,000 Vietnamese-Americans.

During Legal Business, Legal staff shared details of new State procurement laws that allow public entities latitude to more efficiently acquire small/intermediate goods and services. The City Attorney noted that changes in the City’s public contracting code would soon be forthcoming to align local code with new State law.

During the work session, Parks and Recreation staff sought the Council’s feedback on draft policy that would establish goals, standards, procedures and best practices to guide the selection, acquisition and display of public art for the community’s benefit. A formalized Public Art Program would be administered by City staff with oversight provided by the Arts, Culture and Heritage Commission.

In response to changes in State law, the City Attorney presented options the Council could consider to impose time limits, as needed, in public parking in City-owned lots. As development occurs in some areas, such as Town Center, parking may become a more limited resource. The Council supported an ordinance that would delegate authority to the City Manager to establish appropriate parking regulations to allow the City to address specific needs at City-owned parking lots as needed.

The City Manager told the Council that the City had received its first installment, $55,000, of the City’s allocation from the State’s $325 million opioid settlement agreement with four prescription opioid manufacturers, distributors and retailers. It is at the Council’s discretion to earmark these funds, which could be used to implement a wide variety of opioid prevention, treatment, and recovery strategies.

Because of the Labor Day holiday, the next regular meeting of the City Council is to be held on Thursday, Sept. 4, at 7 pm; a pre-meeting work session is scheduled at 5 pm.

Community members can watch all City Council meetings on cable (Xfinity Ch. 30, Ziply Ch. 32) or on the City’s YouTube channel:

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