City Council to Consider Establishment of Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission on Dec. 20

​December 17, 2021 — On Monday, Dec. 20, the Wilsonville City Council is scheduled to consider a resolution that would create an Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission. Establishing the Commission is a 2021-23 City Council Goal and a key component of advancing the City’s Arts, Culture, and Heritage Strategy (ACHS) adopted by Council in November 2020.

Upon establishment, the Commission would carry the primary responsibility to provide recommendations to City Council and City staff on programs and activities relating to arts, culture, and heritage. The Commission would oversee implementation of ACHS recommendations, which include developing a public art program, identifying grant funding sources, allocating grant awards, and advancing consideration of a community arts center.

To provide input on Resolution No. 2941 during Citizen Input (early in meeting) or New Business (later in meeting), complete a speaker card in advance at

Subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 2941, the City will recruit Commission applicants (throughout January). Mayor Julie Fitzgerald is to complete candidate interviews in order to have the Commission seated for a first meeting in April or May.

An initial order of Commission business will be to prioritize the implementation of the ACHS recommendations to develop the first one-year implementation/five-year action business plan for Council approval.

The City Council considered draft recommendations for the Commission and public comments during its Nov. 15 work session. The Council agreed with the recommendations, and made minor adjustments to include a purpose and proposal to Council on use of other funds.

For additional information on the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission, visit

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